Information on COVID-19

  • Do you think you have COVID-19?
    • Symptoms:
      • For confirmed COVID-19 infections, reported illnesses have ranged from people with little to no symptoms or mild cold symptoms to people being severely sick, some recovering and others dying.
      • Symptoms may include fever, cough and sore throat. In some patients, these symptoms can worsen into pneumonia, with chest tightness, chest pain, and shortness of breath. Persons who are elderly, immunocompromised, or if have other comorbidities, such as heart disease, liver disease, are at higher risk of developing severe pneumonia and dying from the disease.
      • Symptoms of the coronavirus may appear in as few as two days or up to 14 days after exposure, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Real-time Tracking of COVID-19 cases in Santa Clara County
  • Testing
    • National directory for testing
    • If you are interested in getting tested for COVID-19, complete an online screener based on guidelines from public health officials. Based on the responses and testing appointment availability, you will learn whether you qualify for testing through this program at this time. Go to this link for more information
    • Verily is currently offering testing for COVID-19 to South Bay residents in:
    • Undocumented families who plan to apply for documentation in the future should still seek testing/treatment for COVID-19. This is a public charge exempt reason.

Shelter-in-Place Order

Stay Informed

Housing Resources

    • California State of Emergency comes with housing protections: Governor Newsom signed a bill that all evictions and foreclosures are to be halted until May.
      • State of Emergency Declarations by Governor Newsom have triggered statewide anti-gouging laws which include important rent controls and eviction protections!
      • It is now illegal for any landlord – located anywhere in California – to charge (or advertise) rents 10% or above what they were charging before February 10. This is for ALL California tenants in new or existing tenancies.
      • Additionally, it is illegal for a landlord to evict tenants and then re-rent the vacated unit at a  higher rent than what the evicted tenant is paying.
      • What can tenants do if a landlord increases their rent above 10% during a State of Emergency?
      • Santa Clara County Temporary Eviction Moratorium
      • San Jose: Temporary Eviction Moratorium
        • The moratorium is in effect through April 17, 2020, and the City Council may extend it. The moratorium stops residential evictions for nonpayment of rent due to impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak.
        • The moratorium applies to all residential properties in San José, including:
          • Single-family homes
          • Rooms rented within single-family homes
          • Duplexes
          • Condominiums
          • Income-restricted apartments (i.e., affordable housing)
          • Rent-stabilized apartments
          • Market-rate apartments
          • Mobilehomes
        • To stop an eviction during the moratorium, renters must document that they have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and they have suffered a substantial loss of income due to COVID-19 or related emergency declarations by local, State, or federal agencies.
        • Tenants can document their reduced income by filling out this form and providing it to their landlords.
        • Landlords must provide tenants with a COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium Notice when serving a notice of termination. Landlords must also provide this information about resources for residential tenants, and submit a copy of the notice of termination to the Housing Department via US mail or online.
        • When the moratorium ends, landlords will be able to seek unpaid rent – i.e., past due rent that was not paid during the moratorium – from their tenants.
      • Students/Foster Youth
        • If you are or know of a foster youth that is staying at a college dorm room that is going to be closed due to the coronavirus, please email [email protected]  and they will provide or help you find housing during this transition.
      • Support for the Unhoused:
      • Homeowner Hardship Assistance:
        • California Housing Finance Agency: There are many options available to you, if you are experiencing a financial hardship. This section provides useful information if you are having difficulty making payments, or anticipate have difficulty making payments on your CalHFA-serviced loan(s).
        • HUD’s Mortgage Assistance Guide.
        • Relief for Homeowners: The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has directed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to suspend foreclosures and evictions for at least 60 days due to the coronavirus national emergency. Earlier this month, FHFA announced that the two government-sponsored companies would provide payment forbearance to borrowers impacted by the coronavirus. Forbearance allows for a mortgage payment to be suspended for up to 12 months. Borrowers who may be experiencing financial challenges due to COVID-19 are strongly encouraged to contact their mortgage servicer to explore their options.


        • California DMV: Customers whose transactions require an in-office visit will be served on an appointment-only basis and currently there are no appointments available. Continue to check the DMV website for the most current information. For more information, visit DMV’s website.
        • Bay Area Express Lanes: “Open to All” During Public Health Emergency. Click here to read full article.
        • Updated as of March 16, 2020: KQED What’s Running, What’s Not During Regional ‘Shelter in Place’ Order
        • Caltrain: peak-hour service will be reduced starting Tuesday, March 17. With so many companies and businesses asking commuters to stay home, Caltrain ridership has declined dramatically. Reducing service is necessary to control costs. Caltrain does not have a dedicated source of revenue and relies on fares to cover 70% of its budget. The new schedule can be found here, and more information about how the system is responding to the coronavirus (COVID-19) is here.
        • VTANo Fare Collection
          • VTA will not collect fares on buses during Shelter-in-Place period, nor will VTA collect fares for light rail and paratransit service either.
          • VTA will have passengers board through the rear door of buses, away from operators. Front door boarding will only be reserved for passengers who need the ramp or priority seating. Since the operator area will be taped off, there will be no access to the farebox or Clipper Card reader.

Employment & Financial Support

        • Bank & Credit Card Relief:
          • Citibank: They are waiving monthly service fees and penalties for early CD withdrawal for retail bank customers.They are also providing fee waivers on monthly service fees, remote deposit capture, and penalties for early CD withdrawal. They also have assistance programs for eligible credit card customers including credit line increases and collection forbearance programs and for eligible Mortgage Customers. Click here for more information
          • PNC Bank: They released the following statement: “We stand ready to work with those experiencing financial difficulty as a result, and we are taking the necessary steps to avoid potential disruptions of service to our customers. PNC is prepared to offer assistance, as needed, to impacted customers through a range of measures.” They are urging customers to call them at 1-888-762-2265 (7 a.m. – 10 p.m. ET Monday – Friday; 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET Saturday & Sunday). More information here
          • Wells Fargo: The bank says they will help customers experiencing financial hardships as a result of COVID-19: “If in need of assistance, we encourage customers to call us at 1-800-219-9739 to speak with a trained specialist to discuss options available for their consumer lending, small business and deposit products.” Click here for more information.
          • Bank of America announced that the Bank was committing $100 million to support local communities in need as the world faces unprecedented challenges from the coronavirus. The funds will help increase medical response capacity, address food insecurity, increase access to learning as a result of school closures, and provide support to the world’s most vulnerable populations. Read More.
          • Chase announced $50 million commitment to nonprofit organizations will help address immediate public health needs as well as long-term economic challenges. Chase will help you understand your options when cancelling or changing travel plans, whether you paid with your credit or debit card or used rewards. We recommend you start with your travel provider because many airlines and hotels are being flexible. Chase will also help you prepare and manage through potential business disruptions.
        • Taxes:
          • SCC Property Tax:
            • To Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus, In-Person Payments are Temporarily Unavailable
            • April 10 deadline can not be changed.
            • Penalties, costs, or other charges will be waved resulting from tax delinquency due to reasonable cause and circumstances related to this crisis. Property owners can take advantage of the partial payment program and make multiple partial payments on the installment due.
          • California – Tax extension:
            • March 12, 2020, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom of California issued an executive order to provide tax relief to taxpayers amid COVID-19 concerns.
              • The FTB will also waive interest and any late filing or late payment penalties that would otherwise apply.
              • The FTB’s June 15 extended due date may be pushed back even further if the Internal Revenue Service grants a longer relief period.
              • Taxpayers claiming the special COVID-19 relief should write the name of the state of emergency (for example, COVID-19) in black ink at the top of the tax return to alert FTB of the special extension period. If taxpayers are e-filing, they should follow the software instructions to enter disaster information.
              • Quarterly estimated tax payments due on April 15 now have a 60-day extension to pay by June 15.
              • Individual filers whose tax returns are due on April 15 now have a 60-day extension to file and pay by June 15.
              • Partnerships and LLCs who are taxed as partnerships whose tax returns are due on March 15 now have a 90-day extension to file and pay by June 15.
            • Directly from the Employment Development Department: “Employers experiencing a hardship as a result of COVID-19 may request up to a 60-day extension of time from the EDD to file their state payroll reports and/or deposit state payroll taxes without penalty or interest. A written request for extension must be received within 60 days from the original delinquent date of the payment or return.
              • For questions, employers may call the EDD Taxpayer Assistance Center. Toll-free from the U.S. or Canada: 1-888-745-3886. Hearing impaired (TTY): 1-800-547-9565. Outside the U.S. or Canada: 1-916-464-3502”
              • For more information, click here
          • Federal – Tax extension:
            • As of today, the deadline for filing your individual federal income tax returns remains April 15, 2020
              • The sooner you file, the sooner your refund.
              • If you need more time, file for an extension.
              • You can file your taxes online!
            • “If you owe a payment to the IRS, you can defer up to $1 million as an individual — and the reason why we are doing $1 million is because that covers lots of pass-throughs and small businesses — and $10 million to corporations, interest-free and penalty-free for 90 days. All you have to do is file your taxes, you’ll automatically not get charged interest and penalties”
          • $2.2 trillion emergency relief package
          • File Your Tax Online:
        • Utilities:
          • There should be no utility shut offs until May due to a bill Gov Newsom signed
          • San Jose Water Company: committed to providing support to our customers in the face of disaster. If you or a family member have been affected by COVID-19 and are unable to pay your bill on time, learn how we can assist: Disaster Relief Program
            • In addition, San Jose Water has temporarily suspended all CATCH water conservation and other in-home appointments until further notice.
            • Remember, the following options are always available for most water account needs:
              • Call (408) 279-7900 for our free automated payment service
              • Email
              • Visit our website
              • Leave a bill payment in our on-site drop box 24/7
            • Beginning Monday, March 16, our Customer Service office at 110 West Taylor Street will be closed to the public.  Please know that our friendly and knowledgeable Customer Service Team is still available to assist you by phone or by email.
          • Great Oaks Water Company: will discontinue (shut off) your residential water service if you do not pay your water bill within 60 days after it is past due (79 total days from the date GOWC mails your bill). Click here for more information.
          • Valley Water: No impact. Read their notice here.
          • Pacific Gas and Electric Co.: PG&E has halted service disconnections for non-payment for both residential and commercial customers until further notice. The utility will also offer flexible payment plans “to customers who indicate either an impact or hardship as a result of COVID-19.”
          • San José Clean Energy: Customers will continue to receive reliable electric generation service. For questions and concerns, customers can visit, contact the call center at 833-432-2454 or [email protected]
          • Verizon will help customers and small businesses disrupted by impact of coronavirus. It is waiving late fees and suspending service termination for customers “negatively impacted by the global crisis.”
          • Charter COMCAST – Free Internet Service for Households with Children for two months – to enroll: 844.488.8395 or find more information here
            • Free access to its Xfinity WiFi hotspots for everyone, including non-subscribers, for 60 days.
            • It’s also providing unlimited data to its customers for no extra charge and is not disconnecting internet service or charging late fees for customers who say they can’t pay their bills.
            • The company is also providing 60 days of free basic internet service to new customers.
          • AT&T: The cable, phone and media giant is suspending the termination of wireless, home phone or broadband service when customers can’t pay their bills because of coronavirus disruptions. The company is also waiving related late fees. Like Comcast, AT&T is also providing free access to its public WiFi hotspots. The company also said its consumer home internet wireline customers and fixed wireless internet customers would receive unlimited data.
          • T-Mobile: The mobile phone service provider is providing unlimited data to all current customers who have plans with data for the next 60 days. It will also provide additional data to mobile hotspot users.

Meals, Food Pantries & Essential Service

        • Farmers’ Markets:
          • Saturday markets in San Jose/Berryessa, San Jose/Santa Teresa, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale and San Jose/Willow Glen — OPEN —
          • Sunday markets in Milpitas, Palo Alto, and San Jose/Evergreen. — OPEN —
          • San Jose/Alum Rock markets, Sunday Campbell  — CLOSED —
        • For children under 18 years of age
          • School pick ups and locations can be found here.
            • No identification or proof of school enrollment is required, but a child must be present. Breakfast, lunch, fresh fruit, vegetables, and milk will be provided to take home. Shelf-stable meals will also be available. Families will not need to enter the school building for pick-up.
        • For seniors & at-risk customers
          • Sikh Food Pantry, JOY of SEWA, Ik Onkar Bridges, Silicon Valley Gurdwara, Khalis Foundation, Bay Area Sikhs, and Bay Area Volunteers to offer an Emergency Community Pantry. If you are in need of basic food and groceries due to the recent Coronavirus Emergency, please fill out this form. Any community organizations can call Harbir Kaur Bhatia at 408 459 9945 with any questions.
          • The HealthTrust: The Health Trust is taking the lead in delivering meals to individuals quarantined for COVID-19 exposure or infection, and we are coordinating home-delivered meals and groceries in partnership with our local food bank, nonprofit and private sector partners, and local governments.
          • Sourcewise Meals-on-Wheels: Once a week meals delivery to individuals who are 60 years of age or older affected by the Shelter-in-Place order. Call: (408) 350-3200 option 4.
          • Second Harvest Food Bank: food delivery service for 65 and older, or food bags from Second Harvest Food Bank. Call 1-800-984-3663. Will need to give full name and date of birth, no other information will be asked! Multiple languages provided.
          • Special hours for seniors & at-risk customers:
            • Safeway: Stores are open from 7 to 9 .am. on Tuesdays and Thursdays for seniors and at-risk customers to shop.
            • Target: Stores are reserving an hour on Wednesdays for “vulnerable shoppers.” Call your local store to find out exact hours.
            • Trader Joe’s: Select stores will open early for seniors and at-risk customers. Call your local store to find out exact hours.
            • Walmart: From now through April 28, stores open one hour early on Tuesday for 60 and older to shop.
            • Walgreens: Seniors Day is every Tuesday, 8am-9am, 55+ can enjoy up to 30% off in store or online on items they need most.
            • Whole Foods Market: Stores open one hour early for 60 and older to shop. Call your local store for exact hours.
            • Albertsons: Stores are open from 7 to 9 .am. on Tuesdays and Thursdays for seniors and at-risk customers to shop.
            • Costco: Senior hours being established on specific days – so far, it looks to be different for each store. Approx Tuesday and Thursdays, 9-10AM. Please call your local Costco.
            • 99 Ranch: Starting (3/19/2020), the first hour of opening (9AM – 10AM), Monday through Friday, will be for those 60+, expectant mothers, persons with disabilities and/or compromised immune systems.
            • Raley’s/Nob Hill Foods/Bel Air:
              • Offer curbside pickup for prescriptions at their pharmacy locations.
              • $20 Senior Essentials Grab Bag & $35 Senior Essentials Grab Bag- One bag, per day, per family, while supplies last. Available for store pickup only on a first-come, first-serve basis with no substitutions. Can deliver to seniors parked in the lot.
            • Zanotto’s agreed that SARC consumers can shop at the same time as seniors (every day from 8AM-9AM
            • Cardenas market management said that our consumers can shop during their modified hours for seniors and at-risk shoppers from 6AM to 7AM every day of the week.

Educational Resources (All ages)

Mental Health

Things to Do During Self Isolation

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